Scientific editing


Used with permission (c) The Upturned Microscope

Having a great idea for a research project and credentials to match is not enough to get funded. The grant proposal has to sell your idea. So how do you turn all those great elements in your plan into a gripping story? How do you convince the reviewers of your personal qualities?

With my ample experience in science and science communication, I can help scientists improve their proposals. Not by crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s, but by checking the structure of the narrative. I’ve done this for more than fifteen years now, and have edited dozens of grant proposals, ranging from individual grants to plans from large consortia.

Do you need help? Feel free to contact me. Fast service, clear directions and competitive rates.

I also offer a workshop on grant writing, The Art of Scientifc Storytelling. This is a lecture on the writing process, linked to a writing assignment. After the workshop, participants receive written feedback on their assignments.